Company News – Green Group StudioThe Best Web Development, Branding & Graphic Design in FloridaTue, 14 May 2024 22:23:58 +0000en-UShourly1 History With The Delray Beach Historical Society/blog/making-history-with-delray-beach-historical-society/Mon, 08 Nov 2021 22:49:51 +0000/?p=4686GGS is proud to launch a completely redesigned website for the Delray Beach Historical Society and Heritage […]

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GGS is proud to launch a completely redesigned website for the Delray Beach Historical Society and Heritage Gardens ( This website features the rich history and heritage of the area, while showcasing this local historical gem of a property!

Featuring custom animations that look great on desktop and mobile, this responsive website showcases the beautiful property and organization that hosts Florida’s only all-native botanical garden. There is so much to see and do here in the heart of Delray Beach, but too much to mention here, so check out their website.

Under The Hood

We custom-coded donation/membership and shopping integration with PayPal, for a smooth user experience. We also developed a user-friendly backend for managing events and photo galleries.

What’s more hipster than making old things in new technology?

In order to make their website as snappy as possible, we also implemented a Cloudflare CDN. This serves up the website faster than an order of avocado toast without the avocado!

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NFT—They’re Sweeping the Nation and We’re Here to Help/blog/nft-theyre-sweeping-the-nation-and-were-here-to-help/Mon, 26 Apr 2021 22:30:52 +0000/?p=4535You might’ve heard of Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. While Cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular, its […]

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You might’ve heard of Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. While Cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular, its value is on the rise. With this wildly growing interest in digital currency, another form of digital assets has started to gain traction— NFTs.

What are NFTs?

NFT stands for non-fungible token. Well, what does that mean? To further explain, an NFT is an authentic and unique digital asset that proves ownership of a digital piece of art or other media. For example, a video or music can be an NFT as well. The item associated with the NFT is stored on the internet.

How Do NFTs Work?

If you’re an artist or creator, creating NFTs allows you to sell your one-of-a-kind digital art or other digital media with a digitized certificate of authenticity. NFTs can be uploaded and sold through various sites, but a digital wallet with digital currency is required. Once you set up your wallet and purchase Ethereum (your digital currency), you’ll be able to use it to pay for NFTs.

The seller or artist can set up royalty fees for any given piece of digital media. This is a great option for artists or sellers to take advantage of, allowing for flexibility in the initial set price. When a buyer or collector buys an NFT, the transaction is recorded in the blockchain. 

Creating More Value For Your NFTs

There are various marketplaces that we can create NFTs on. By working with our team of designers, we can animate your existing artwork, or create limited edition and special edition variations of your original artworks to turn one earpiece into many sellable assets. 

NFTs and The Environment

Cryptocurrencies are typically bad for the environment, due to the processing power related to mining the currency, however Ethereum is supposed to switch their paradigm from “proof of work” to “proof of stake,” drastically reducing the energy usage and environmental impact for the cryptocurrency. Other cryptocurrencies, like Cardano (ADA) already use this more environmentally friendly method for their blockchain. In time, we hope to see other cryptocurrencies following suit.

Get help with your NFTs Today!

If you are interested in selling NFTs, designing NFTs, or need help setting up your store, we’re here to help. We can design NFTs, show you how to upload them, and set a price. If you’re interested in NFTs and need our help, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

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Green Group Studio Turns 13 Today!/blog/green-group-studio-turns-13-today/Fri, 22 Jan 2021 21:37:15 +0000/?p=4438We are thankful to our clients and team who make our daily creative problem solving possible. As […]

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We are thankful to our clients and team who make our daily creative problem solving possible. As we enter 2021, we are optimistic because of, or perhaps in spite of the challenges we and other small businesses have faced during the pandemic. The vaccines also give us renewed hope of getting closer to the “old normal” while our solid WFH model has luckily been a smooth transition.

GGS was born in the ashes of the housing crisis so we are no stranger to overcoming adversity, and 2020 showed us how much stronger we have become along the way. The strongest swords are forged in the hottest fires and we look forward to being around for years to come. So raise a glass wherever you are and let’s take a toast together celebrating the big and little accomplishments that can seem to get overshadowed in the funk of a pandemic and political unrest.

Cheers to perseverance!

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Starting Digital Ad Sales: A Case Study with Nostalgic America/blog/starting-digital-ad-sales-a-case-study-with-nostalgic-america/Mon, 11 May 2020 20:52:48 +0000 America is the leading publication company for all things nostalgic. They publish a monthly magazine featuring […]

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Nostalgic America is the leading publication company for all things nostalgic. They publish a monthly magazine featuring articles about and photos of famous figures, popular media, and major events throughout American history. Additionally, they host both consumer and industry events, featuring talented cover bands for music throughout the decades.

In 2016, we here at GGS developed a new website with Nostalgic America (, offering even more to their viewers online than even possible in print. The result was an incredible website brimming with photos, videos, quizzes, and more, covering historic entertainment, sports, and Americana. With the constant evolution in people of all ages consuming content in 2020, Nostalgic America decided it was time to push harder on the digital front with their website. Their new goal was to draw in more visitors to their site and better monetize their online presence, while giving advertisers some prime digital real estate.

Selecting an Ad Platform

To reach their new goals, we sat down with co-founder Bruce Berns to lay out their options for investing in an ad platform. Selecting how to monetize your website with ads will come down to whether or not you want to use existing ad networks or roll out your own. The existing print publication has a massive number of advertisers behind it, making them a vital resource for the push into digital advertising. The way we saw it, Nostalgic America had three options for implementing website ads:

  1. Leverage existing ad networks (ex. Google AdWords, Facebook Ads) – These would place typical web ads on their website through existing ad platforms. Nostalgic America’s existing advertisers could get on their site indirectly through these ad platforms, but the relationship between publisher and advertiser would no longer be direct. The benefit, however, is the instant access to a near-limitless number of ads that could be placed on the Nostalgic America website. The drawback is that the targeted demographic of Nostalgic America may go underappreciated and accordingly, under monetized.
  2.  License an ad management platform – There are dozens of pre-built ad platform options available if you want to become an online ad network, but don’t want to build the infrastructure yourself. Most of these options have detailed tracking/analytics and fully automated payment systems. The drawback for licensed systems can get expensive and may require either high rates or a large number of ad impressions to break even.
  3. Build your own ad management system – A custom-coded ad system with a small but focused feature set, custom tailored for Nostalgic America’s needs. This option would have the highest up-front cost, but little-to-no overhead costs after. It also allows for a more streamlined interface for site admins to manage the ads, meaning there’s a lot less to learn. Features like reporting would still be included, but payment would need to be handled manually, at least at first (to keep costs down). Additional functionality could be implemented as needed down the road.

Ultimately, we determined option 3 to be the best option for Nostalgic America. The payouts from large ad networks would be too small for Nostalgic America’s somewhat niche audience. So option 1 was no good. Option 2 was a no-go either. Although the benefits of an existing, full-featured ad management platform can be great for a large website, we didn’t expect Nostalgic America to see a return on their investment for a very long time. Their needs for digital advertising were small, so a home-grown system was a most effective approach.

Building an ad management system has also allowed their digital ad sales process to mirror their print sales process. This means their sales process doesn’t change, but they now offer more advertising options. It’s a win for both Nostalgic America and their existing advertisers.

With these choices made, Bruce reached out to his existing print advertisers to offer them deeply discounted ad placements on This way, the website started with a diverse pool of ads to display, and Bruce could get an idea of how well digital advertising performs before determining finalized pricing for all digital ads going forward.

Ad Sizing

As we developed the system, we had to pick ad sizes for the advertisers to provide. There were two potential routes to go:

  1. Use existing Google ad sizes – These are” standardized” ad sizes that can be found across most websites featuring ads from the big ad networks. Sizes such as 300×250 and 320×100 are common to advertisers, so they may already have ads at these sizes ready to go, without an added expense or delay of creating an ad at a custom size..
  2. Use ad sizes designed for Nostalgic America’s content – The Nostalgic America website has a unique layout and big images, which meant that standard-sized ads would stick out. Custom ads would blend in seamlessly with the content, giving the website a more pleasing look overall. 

On the surface, using special ad sizes seems like the better option. However, we found too many potential issues with going that route. Ads blending in with content may be nice in theory, but users may feel tricked or deceived if what they initially thought was content is actually an ad. We didn’t want to sour a user’s experience by not being able to delineate ads from content. Additionally, advertisers may be less likely to buy if they have to make special ad sizes just for one website, instead of being able to use the same ads across all ad networks they buy in to. For those reasons, we recommended Nostalgic America use standard ad sizes throughout their site.

Wrapping Up

Now that is ready for monetization, Bruce is hard at work getting the new website in front of people. He’s continuing to leverage his industry connections to promote the website and magazine, drumming up new visitors and digital advertisers. We’re excited to see where his company goes and will be working with him every step of the way.

Every company has different needs, so the conclusions we came to with Nostalgic America may vary from yours. If you’re interested in getting into digital ad sales for your website, we’d love to help you get there. Give us a call at 561.594.7336.

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GGS Celebrates 12 Years!/blog/ggs-celebrates-12-years/Wed, 22 Jan 2020 21:50:05 +0000 we celebrate! It’s hard to believe that GGS began 12 years ago! It’s truly a blessing […]

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Today we celebrate! It’s hard to believe that GGS began 12 years ago! It’s truly a blessing to be at the forefront of technology and marketing to help businesses address their pain points, and future-proof their brand. Longevity is something that we never take for granted. In fact, it is both the driving force—and result—of our creativity. We have weathered shifts in design trends, technologies and economic conditions and outlasted competitors that have come and gone in our 12 years in business. This is a testament to the hard work that our team puts in each and every day. We couldn’t be more proud of our talented team that helps keep our well-oiled machine running.

Each year is an opportunity to learn and grow and our goal is to continue providing exceptional marketing, advertising and design with the best customer service. Because without our valued clients, we wouldn’t be able to do what we love each and every day.

A deep heartfelt thank you to every employee, contractor, client, family member and friend of GGS as we raise a glass to celebrate (or do we need to wait until we are 21?). 🙂


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Business Optimization – Can Your Business Take on More Business?/blog/marketing-business-optimization-can-your-business-take-on-more-business/Tue, 17 Sep 2019 17:48:44 +0000’ve been in business a long time and have built up a good reputation, in fact, you […]

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You’ve been in business a long time and have built up a good reputation, in fact, you like to brag that you’ve never advertised, that all of your business is simply “word of mouth” — now just imagine the kind of business you could have IF you had dipped your toes in a solid marketing campaign — in other words,  you can only get business from where you market.

Yes, word of mouth is great advertising. Having customers brag about your business and recommend them to others is great, but that same concept can be kicked up more than a notch by using the right marketing technique for your business.

Outbound v. Inbound Marketing:

Outbound Marketing embodies traditional techniques such as television and radio advertising, print advertising, direct mail, and telemarketing. Think of it as reaching out to potential customers, literally pushing out messaging, products and services to an audience.

Before the internet and social media, this was the only way to get your brand out to a mainstream audience. However, technology has made this approach to marketing harder, as many people record television shows and fast-forward through the commercials. Many people have given up on terrestrial radio and listen to satellite radio, stream music or listen to digital files to avoid the interruption of their entertainment. In fact, this kind of outbound marketing has become thought of as disruptive instead of instructive. 

Big companies still use this medium to reiterate their messaging because they have the means to do it. Today’s commercials have to be as entertaining as the programming or they’re deemed useless noise, skipped over, or put on pause while viewers take a bathroom break, then forward through. We’ve also become so desensitized to advertising, we automatically tune it out, picking up our smartphones during commercial breaks to check our email.

Inbound Marketing is all about pulling your audience in — it’s about attraction, engagement, solving a problem, and creating a conversation with your audience of prospective customers.

Traditional inbound marketing exists of social media engagement as well as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising.  With PPC, you pay to rank at the top of search engines, like Google.  You pay for each click, up to your maximum bid amount for the search terms that you select (and up to your pre-determined daily budget).  The benefit of this method is getting in front of your prospective customers when they are searching for your products or services – a far more focused campaign than the “spray and pray” approach of traditional outbound marketing.

When engaging customers online with social media and content marketing, companies create valuable content to increase brand exposure while creating a voice of authority. They deliver the goods via their websites and mobile apps using blog posts and paid advertising that’s optimized for specific Internet searches. Customer engagement aims to build an engaging social media presence by creating and sharing valuable content.

Inbound marketing is a partnership with the customer. It’s about using trust, communication and valuable information as leverage for building sustainable relationships that translate into not just long-term customers but raving fans who leave valuable reviews.

“Most importantly, when prospective customers find you using inbound marketing, the decision to potentially use you – was their choice. They weren’t “sold.” This completely changes the dynamic of the sales process, because there is “pride of ownership” of the idea to use you,” said Allen Borza, co-founder Green Group Studio. “Your sales process becomes one of supporting their confirmation bias, proving to them that they made the right choice reaching out to you and that you are the best choice to help them. Working with new clients acquired through inbound marketing is easier because they are more open-minded to listening to how you can help them.”

Of course, new client acquisition should always be about providing value to customers on an ongoing basis.  Growing loyal customers that feel taken care of generates more referral business, multiplying your outbound marketing efforts to also bring in that coveted “word of mouth” referral.  Additionally, positive online reviews from satisfied customers also raises your search engine ranking.

If you’re looking for a marketing partner, Green Group Studio is the perfect complement to your team, while enhancing your image. Let the experienced team at Green Group Studio help you find the perfect way to market your business using a variety of marketing techniques and strategies.

Our dedicated, creative professionals are ready to craft a personalized marketing plan that works for you and your business, now and well into the future. We take the time to understand your business and market to truly enhance your marketing efforts. To speak with a marketing expert, call Green Group Studio today at 561-59-GREEN (47336). 

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The Importance of Identifying Brand Values/blog/the-importance-of-identifying-brand-values/Fri, 31 May 2019 17:12:56 +0000 brand value is a desirable principle or quality that embodies a brand. For business owners, identifying […]

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A brand value is a desirable principle or quality that embodies a brand. For business owners, identifying their brands’ values can help to streamline decision-making and provide direction in everything that they do. From marketing campaigns to HR, and everything in between, branding experts agree that identifying your company’s brand values will help to make starting and managing a business easier. Consider the below benefits when deciding whether or not to invest the time in pinpointing your brand’s values.

Brand Values Encourage the Creation of New Products and Services

A solid understanding of brand values keeps your company consistently creating new products and services, thereby increasing your perceived value and core revenue. Consider Apple: Their values (Accessibility, Education, Environment, Inclusion and Diversity, Privacy, and Supplier Responsibility) are so important to them that they are displayed in the footer of their website, with each value having its own page dedicated to helping stakeholders fully understand them. These six values not only encompass Apple, but they incite the creation of new products. Your products and services should stem from, and be an embodiment of, your brand values while also encouraging the creation of new and better offerings.

Brand Values Guide Employee Actions and Attract Top Talent

When you identify your brand values and make them explicitly clear, it helps to guide your employees towards desired attitudes and behaviors, both on an everyday basis as well as during difficult times. Identifying brand values also helps to attract the right kind of people to your company in the first place! Zappos does an incredible job of explaining each of their core values, how employees should exemplify those values, and how those values enhance the customer experience. For example, “Create Fun and A Little Weirdness” not only expressly identifies the type of employee the company is looking for, but also how they should approach different interactions and responsibilities.

Brand Values Increase Brand Loyalty

Rather than simply chasing after customer loyalty (where price is still a primary factor), companies that focus on attaining brand loyalty are dedicated to attracting consumers who align with their core values. Having a brand’s values clearly stated and showcased in everything that the brand does helps them to connect with customers and build a steadfast following. Think Facebook, whose values are Be Bold, Focus on Impact, Move Fast, Be Open, and Build Social Value. These values can be seen in a number of different ways throughout the site and its features. For example, their new “Live Video” feature perfectly embodies their desire to move fast by allowing users to engage with followers through chat and video in real time. Compared with Twitter who only has a mission statement to guide them, Facebook’s values have helped to spur the creation of new technologies and features that allow them to consistently gain new users and increase retention.

Identifying your brand values can enhance your business in a number of ways by increasing sales, grabbing the attention of ideal employees, and helping to better your products and services. Brand values essentially improve the way in which you do business, and identifying those brand values can even incite an entire rebranding that can bring in even more customers and new energy into your business! To discuss how to identify your brand values or rebranding your company, call Green Group Studio at 561-594-7336 to speak with one of our branding experts today! 

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GGS Celebrates 11 Years!/blog/ggs-celebrates-11-years/Tue, 12 Feb 2019 17:39:20 +0000 we turn 11, we are humbled by the success we have been fortunate to find as […]

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As we turn 11, we are humbled by the success we have been fortunate to find as an agency, and as a valued partner to our clients.  The strength and experience of our team and the deep client relationships we have developed over the years is what keeps us strong, inspired and driven to create. 

Companies change over the years, yet we remain dedicated to our core values as a green company that is part of the local community. As we grow, we continue to work with small business owners and give them the same level of care that we give to our publicly traded and government agency clients.

If I have learned anything over the years, it is that companies have similar challenges at every stage of growth; it’s just a different set of problems that need solving. Big and small companies can have the same problems: advertising, leadership, communication, reinventing themselves and pivoting their business or marketing models over the years. We live in an ever-changing economic environment, compounded by the technological and social media changes over the years.

Every company is tasked with keeping pace, and it’s our job to keep our clients ahead of the curve. And this isn’t just with technology or social media use, but the reason and strategy behind it. We continue to challenge the status quo, as well as our client’s perceived solutions to their problems. Often times, a business owner (of any size) will suggest a specific solution to solve X, when the conversation needs to start with “X is our problem, how should we fix this?” Our strength as an agency is providing these solutions with measurable results.

With other companies celebrating 50 years in business, 11 years may not seem like a huge milestone, but for us it is. Not just because we are a small business and put in a lot of hard work and dedication, but because each year brings our business unique challenges that our clients either have faced, or will face – and we are prepared with the knowledge and experience we gain from each client we work with. And there is solidarity in knowing that we are all weathering the same economic waves and smooth sailing that create the journey of business ownership. We love what we do, and are thankful for our clients that enable us to make a living doing what we love!

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The Last Straw — How the Demand For Biodegradable Plastics is Growing/blog/the-last-straw-how-the-demand-for-biodegradable-plastics-is-growing/Sun, 17 Jun 2018 17:50:19 +0000’s a movement, in the headlines everywhere we see a ban on the plastic straw, known as […]

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It’s a movement, in the headlines everywhere we see a ban on the plastic straw, known as the world’s most wasteful commodity, it’s become a symbol of our single-use throwaway plastic-loving society.

Of all the plastic things, why pick on straws? According to The National Park Services, it is estimated that Americans use 500 million “drinking straws” a day.

We have a plastics problem.

Unlike climate change, you can’t deny the plastic crisis — because it’s big. In fact, floating halfway between Hawaii and California lies the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a floating dump of our single-use shame that spans 600,000 square miles — twice the size of Texas. Sadly the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is only one, the largest of five garbage collections in the ocean.

This is massive.

Plastic is everywhere, recently in a National Geographic article, (We Made Plastic. We Depend on it. Now We’re Drowning in it. June 2018) scientists wondered why the amount of plastics in our oceans wasn’t exactly adding up. Overall, the production of plastics has increased over time, and although the amount of plastic found out drifting on the ocean and washing up on our shores was bad, mathematically, it should have been much worse. So where has all the plastic gone?

The answer to that equation is the scary part — “Microplastics.” They found that not only was plastic degrading and disintegrating from the ocean waters and the heat of the sun but tiny sea creatures were shredding it into tiny particles, chewing and spitting it out, ingesting it and secreting it as waste back into the ocean. Plastics are being consumed by wildlife — seabirds, whales and the stuff we enjoy as our seafood dinners, we’re ingesting the plastics that they’ve consumed.

According to the journal Scientific Reports, researchers said:

“The widespread distribution of microplastics in aquatic bodies has subsequently contaminated a diverse range of aquatic biota, including those sold for human consumption such as shellfish and mussels. Therefore, seafood products could be a major route of human exposure to microplastics.”

“Microplastics were suggested to exert their harmful effects by providing a medium to facilitate the transport of other toxic compounds such as heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants to the body of organisms. Upon ingestion, these chemicals may be released and cause toxicity.”

Plastic was once thought of as a miracle material. It hit all the buttons, easy to manufacture, inexpensive, strong, and lightweight making it perfect packaging. Unfortunately, more than 40 percent of plastics are used just once, and the waste is overwhelming us.

Non-biodegradable synthetic polymers, the foundation of packaging materials have staying power. Look how long these simple items take to break down:

  • Plastic bag – 10-20 years
  • Foamed plastic cup 20-30 years
  • Plastic beverage bottles 450 years!

What We Can Do — Biodegradable Polymers

Using biodegradable polymers in our containers can go along way in improving our growing plastic problem. The materials are both bio-based and fossil-based. The biodegradability depends on their structure, not their origin. They’re made to decompose into natural elements such as such as gases  (CO2N2)waterbiomass, and inorganic salts.

Bio-based materials can be made from algae or plants, cellulose, hemicellulose, starch, inulin, pectin, chitin and chitosan or proteins, poly(amino acid)s, or lignin. A second group would include lactic acid and the corresponding polymer, PLA—some polyurethanes and polyesters, are examples of biodegradable fossil-based materials.

Replacing the synthetic stuff for biodegradable polymers can be done at a low cost making it a win-win for both the environment and the economy.

Tackling the Problem of Single-Use Plastics — Who’s Stepping Up?

Here are the cities and states that are tackling the issue:

  • New York City, Hawaii, and California all have pending straw ban legislation.
  • California: Malibu and Berkeley have already banned plastic straws. Following suit are Alameda, Carmel, San Luis ObispoDavisMalibu, Manhattan Beach, Oakland, Richmond, and Berkeley
  • Washington—Seattle, and Edmonds: As of July 2018 is prohibiting vendors from giving their customers plastic utensils or straws unless they’re made from compostable paper or plastic.
  • Vancouver: Plastic straws and foam containers banned as of June 1, 2019 as part of Canada’s Zero Waste 2040 strategy.
  • New Jersey: Monmouth Beach—Banned plastic straws, bags, and food containers was put into effect on June 1.
  • Florida: Miami Beach and Fort Myers already have banned plastic straws.

According to Money Magazine, these are businesses that are committed to banning the plastic straw:

  • Starbucks—Aims to rid straws by 2020 switching to compostable straws.
  • McDonald’s—Set a goal of 100 percent of guest packaging—cups, straws, boxes, to renewable or recycled sources by 2025.
  • Hyatt
  • Hilton— Removing plastic straws from all of its 650 hotels by the end of 2018.
  • Sixty Hotels—In the process of removing all plastic straws.
  • Four Seasons will eliminate plastic straws from all locations by the end of 2018
  • Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants
  • Edition Hotels
  • Revival Food Hall
  • Inday—Eliminated straws from their 14 restaurants.
  • DMK Restaurants
  • Ted’s Montana Grill—Uses only paper straws in its 45 locations.
  • Luke’s Lobster
  • Eataly—removing plastic straws from all of its locations by July 31
  • Lettuce Entertain You restaurants—Will remove all plastic straws from 150 locations beginning in the fall of 2018.
  • Dell
  • Fox Restaurant Concepts—Straws removed from all 50 locations with eco-friendly alternatives available upon request.
  • Ikea
  • Chicago White Sox
  • America Airlines
  • Alaska Airlines
  • Bon Appétit restaurants
  • SeaWorld Entertainment
  • Royal Caribbean—Goal to be plastic straw free by the end of 2018.
  • Bacardi—Goal to eliminate single-use plastic straws from their events.
  • Intelligentsia Coffee—Banned plastic straws as of July 15.
  • Joe Coffee’s will switch to 100% compostable straws made from cornstarch by July in all 18 branches.

Green Isn’t Just Our Name — It’s Our Motto — Design is in Our Nature, and Part of Everything We Do!

Here at Green Group Studio, we are committed to being greener by adopting our own in-house policies that include recycling, paper reduction through technology like electronic billing and E-Newsletters. Other ways we go about greening our world is by using sustainable printing practices, eco-lighting and using energy efficient equipment. (See more about that here! /what-makes-us-green.html )

We live the Green Life by participating in team building activities that are environmentally educational. We donate to support various charities that support the environment and nonprofits that focus on the needs of children.  

And as like often attracts like, many of our clients are earth-friendly, responsible companies that opt for many of the same practices because at GGS, we understand that everything is connected and the green effort each person takes every day can have a substantial and positive impact on our planet.

Like what you see?

Partner with us!

We may be Green, but we have the Experience!

Celebrating 10-years of greenness the team at Green Group Studio can help you find the perfect way to market your business using a variety of marketing techniques and strategies.

Our dedicated, creative professionals are ready to craft a personalized marketing plan, logo, branding, and website that works for your business, now and well into the future. We take the time to understand your business and audience to truly enhance your marketing efforts. To speak with a marketing expert, call Green Group Studio today at 561-59-GREEN (47336). 

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BrandAid — How We Use Emotion to Bond People to Brands/blog/brandaid-how-we-use-emotion-to-bond-people-to-brands/Tue, 03 Apr 2018 17:42:07 +0000 that Brand Love We’ve all been there. Saturday night, sitting on the couch watching TV, and […]

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Gimme that Brand Love

We’ve all been there. Saturday night, sitting on the couch watching TV, and then that ad comes on, you know the one that makes you choke up and call your mom. When ads can conjure up emotions, stir up feelings, ring your bell—they’re working, in the very best way.

Many ads are wrought with emotion, and it’s not just so that you’ll run off and buy the product or book the service. Through tugging at your heartstrings, they’re biologically bonding you to their brands, creating brand loyalty.

Just by evoking a smile, your brain is fully engaged. As soon as that smile graces your face, it stimulates the release of neural messaging, a tide of neuropeptides that fight stress, as well as other, feel-good neurotransmitters such as dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. 

The haze of this feel-good moment is etched on your brain, aligned with whatever caused it. Think of the famous Coke ad where Mean Joe Green tosses the kid his shirt (Hey Kid, Catch). Now every time you recall this warm fuzzy moment, your good feeling extends to the soft drink. 

According to Psychology Today, “Studies show that positive emotions toward a brand have a far greater influence on consumer loyalty than trust and other judgments, which are based on a brand’s attributes.”

What Exactly is Brand?

A brand is the product or service’s image. Basically, it all has to do with creating a feeling. A brand is a mental representation of how the customer actually views the product or service—essentially public perception.

Through branding, marketing seeks to build an emotional bond to forge a more solid relationship with their customer base. The more closely tied people are to the brand, then the actual brand fans become an actual thing, sometimes a group of more vocal, loyal or active fans of the brand are described as a tribe.

Emotional Branding — Affection that Stops Defection

Developing that emotional connection secures your brand in your customer’s hearts and minds. It ensures that they’ll be with you over the long haul. Once this emotional tie is established, customers will tend to choose the brand they’ve associated those warm, fuzzy feelings with over a competitor, preventing customer defection—even if the price is lower or even if it is realistically more convenient.

How Use Emotion to Build Brands 

It all comes down to desires and insecurities —two powerful elements that are so deeply tied to our emotions they can propel us to action.  As social beings, the want for something or the fear of something are primal motivators.

Think about these Desires:

  • To belong
  • For control
  • To be better than
  • To be first or to discover, early adopter
  • To be cool, hip, trendy
  • To be smarter
  • Fun
  • Sex, love and, romance

Think about these Insecurities:

  • You don’t spend enough time with your friends and family
  • You don’t help others, you’re selfish
  • You’re missing out
  • You’re not one of us; you don’t belong
  • You’re not good enough
  • You’re behind, not keeping up with the Jones’

Self-identity is tied to brands. Think about how people define themselves—from the cars they drive to the clothes they wear. You can get a gander at a person’s personality just by the channel they watch to get their news. They’re conservative if they watch Fox or more liberal if they get their news from MSNBC. 

All the Feels — Some Good Examples of Emotional Branding

Why do you love the brands you do, let’s count the ways…


As soon as you hold up a Coke, you’re probably thinking of one of their iconic campaigns—Have a Coke and a Smile, Open Happiness, Taste the Feeling. Other brands that exude that happy feeling are Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and Campbell’s Soup. 

Sad and Sentimental: Used to evoke empathy to showcase social issues

Procter & Gamble’s “Thank You, Mom” Olympic commercials. This campaign showed how moms supported their kids asthey climbed to success in the Olympics and had us all passing the tissues.

Fear or Suspense: Designed to scare people, alerting them to a threat or to motivate them to engage in or deter from certain behaviors.

Allstate “Mr. Mayhem” bad things can happen so make sure you’re insured.

The World Wildlife Fund’s iconic “Stop Climate Change Before It Changes You” used a photo of a man with a fish head to scare people about how environmental abuse can ultimately physically change us.

Anger – Used for environmental issues, government policies, and political candidates.

Always’ “Like a Girl” campaign took an insult and turned it into an anthem.

Save the Children campaign with images of starving and sick children.

Disgust – Used to sell medication, gym memberships, diet plans and, remedies.  Who can forget Wisk detergent’s public shaming? As taunting children would shriek, “Ring around the collar!” to point out the sweat and grime left on dirty shirt collars across America.

Emotional Marketing with Green Group Studio

Whichever way you look at it emotion is a great tool to align your brand, your message, your image with your audience. Let the experienced marketing team at Green Group Studio help you find the perfect way to win the hearts and minds of your customers by moving them emotionally with words and images that speak to their very souls.

Our dedicated team of creative professionals capable of strategizing a marketing plan that works for you now and well into the future. We strive to evolve to stay ahead of marketing trends constantly. Let us show you how we can individually tailor marketing plans by discovering works best for you and what motivates your customers.To speak with a marketing expert, call Green Group Studio today at 561-59-GREEN (47336). 

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GGS Celebrates 10 Years!/blog/ggs-celebrates-10-years/Mon, 12 Feb 2018 17:38:24 +0000 we turn 10, we reflect and celebrate this milestone and a look forward to every coming […]

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As we turn 10, we reflect and celebrate this milestone and a look forward to every coming year. Starting a business in the rough economic climate in 2008, our founders combined their passion for design and the environment to form GGS. We have assembled a talented team that works hard, and shares our passion and tenacity to design amazing things with a purpose in mind. We continue to create impactful designs that we and our clients are proud of. We transform businesses; reinvigorating and revitalizing brands and the people behind them.

Some of the brands we have been proud to work with since the early days of GGS include Florida Community Bank, Assurance Power Systems, The Crunchy Condiment Company, and A Suite Salon.

We believe in bringing positive change. Every Earth Day, we give back to our community and planet. We have supported local child-focused non-profits — including providing all the kids at The Milagro Center with lunch and art supplies, while teaching them about endangered species. We toured and donated to McCarthys Wildlife Sanctuary, the Loggerhead Marinelife Center and more. We even co-sponsored a water well in Africa through charity: water with Justin Bieber.

There have been market ups and downs – we have weathered the storms and chalk up our success to our wonderful clients who give us the opportunity to share our passion for design and marketing for our mutual benefit. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to all our clients, families and friends. We can’t wait to see what the next 10 years will bring!

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Building Content for the Masses or Targeting an Audience – Blog Writing for All/blog/building-content-for-the-masses-or-targeting-an-audience-blog-writing-for-all/Mon, 15 Jan 2018 17:37:00 +0000 famous quote “You can’t please all of the people all of the time,” has been the Pandora’s box for marketers everywhere, and it’s true, […]

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That famous quote “You can’t please all of the people all of the time,” has been the Pandora’s box for marketers everywhere, and it’s true, you can’t — however, by using content decisively, either directed to your target audience or through a message for the masses, you can tailor-make a marketing strategy that works for your business.

To be a considered thought leader in the industry, or to create a tribe of loyal customers, you need to provide a stream of valuable, consumable, fresh content. Do this, and they’ll flock to your pages for new insights, the latest news, and your offerings. Neglect feeding the insatiable need for new, your audience will lose interest and seek to fill this desire someplace else.

The Intimacy of Niche — Micro-Marketing

Niche Marketing or Micro-Marketing is about trust. It’s about not only knowing your audience but actually building a relationship or hopefully a tribe of raving fans.

The key to target marketing is knowing your audience. What are they thinking, feeling, reading and talking about? Where do they shop, do they have a family, what’s their income, how do they spend their free time? What do they think about themselves, how do they want to be seen by others?

“When writing about specific content, you can write about topics within your industry — it doesn’t have to be keyword specific,” said Allen Borza, CEO Green Group Studio. “Google’s algorithm is getting a lot more sophisticated, and it’s no longer writing about specific keywords, but an industry.”

Keyword stuffing is definitely out. Instead, real niche marketing aims to speak directly to a specific group. Marketing campaigns are custom made to hit them in their hearts and minds by deeply understanding their habits and desires.

In creating content or writing blogs, it’s important to speak their language, understand their pain points and show them how your product or service can solve them.

Content also keeps the conversation going. These conversations are designed to build that intimacy, which goes a long way in establishing and maintaining a relationship.

A Little Something for Everyone – Mass Marketing

Mass Marketing is the stuff of large firm and established brands. It is more concerned with how production processes and purchasing patterns are related.

In one regard, it’s considered to be lower risk than niche marketing because you don’t have to concern yourself with getting into the psyche of your audience and getting that just right.

However, Mass Marketing can fail just the same if it doesn’t appeal to that mass audience and there are pitfalls to consider such as various geographical locations, changes in the market environment and the higher cost of trying to get that message out to the masses.

“Whether you are selling a product or service — or selling to a business or consumer, do your homework as to what your audience is looking for,” said Borza. “To see examples as to what is trending, you can take a look at Google trends. You can see if a certain keyword or search term is being searched more or less frequently.”

The Basic Formulas

• Target Marketing + Building Relationships = Conversion • Mass Marketing + Mass Appeal = Traffic

A Balancing Act Made Easier if You Know Your Audience

“Planning content is actually planning traffic for your website While broad content can have a mass appeal, that same content is not likely to be specific to your customer base — especially if you are B2B,” said Borza. “By focusing on hyper-specific content, your content can reach a very relevant base — your customer base. There is still SEO value to broadly appealing content if it is giving you traffic. However, you need to mentally categorize that content as, “traffic generation,” not necessarily “lead generation” traffic. By creating content that is useful to prospects and customers, you create trust — and ultimately, business.”

Marketing with Green Group Studio

Our dedicated team of writers is experienced in not only writing great content for your ideal customers but optimizing it to increase your rankings and revenues. To speak with a marketing expert, call Green Group Studio today at 561-59-GREEN (47336). 

The post Building Content for the Masses or Targeting an Audience – Blog Writing for All appeared first on Green Group Studio.


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